Bulletin BoardThe Piece of Shit Recording

The Picshit Board

Topic Replies Views Author Latest reply
The Correct Direction of Toilet Paper 5 9,072 Normunds Pics
5 Aug 2014 02:26
11 Dec 2022 17:47
The Thruthful Art 0 5,016 Picshit
12 Sep 2019 16:44

Shining 0 4,519 Picshit
11 Sep 2019 21:24

Creative Paper - inspired by Henri Matisse 0 4,272 Picshit
31 Aug 2019 16:28

Aware from eating others shit 0 4,546 Picshit
31 Aug 2019 16:16

Surprising SEO A/B Test Results - Whiteboard Friday 1 11,145 VzzO0
14 Oct 2018 18:40
30 Oct 2018 19:30
czbsfb 1 4,425 AlbertSalerno
11 May 2018 13:19
21 Jun 2018 01:45
Break down the jumbled thoughts 0 5,622 Normunds Pics
7 Jul 2017 20:31

Picshit's The Future World Map 0 4,549 Normunds Pics
7 Jul 2017 20:03

Marc Quinn - Shit Painting 0 4,515 Picshit
7 Jul 2017 19:53

The Homecoming of Navel Strings 0 5,068 Picshit
7 Jul 2017 19:47

Sergei Dovlatov's "Who Am I" 1 3,303 Picshit
3 Jul 2017 01:15
Normunds Pics
3 Jul 2017 21:26
Brave 4 96,575 Guest
22 Jun 2012 15:08
Normunds Pics
3 Jul 2017 21:24
"Shit" poetry by Antip Ushkin 0 3,203 Picshit
3 Jul 2017 01:52

Congratulations on the World Toilet Day 1 16,786 Picshit
19 Nov 2013 23:40
1 Jul 2017 16:43
A moment of happiness 1 4,536 Normunds Pics
23 Nov 2014 03:11
1 Jul 2017 16:42
If Uwe Boll was a Chef... 2 3,727 Picshit
29 Jun 2017 22:59
1 Jul 2017 16:34
The Ganzfeld Procedure 0 3,262 Picshit
29 Jun 2017 23:28

How To Be A MAN - With No Shit! 0 2,541 Picshit
29 Jun 2017 22:37

Making Shit, 2015 A.D. 2 4,622 Picshit
29 Mar 2015 19:55
20 Jun 2017 11:51
Teddy Shit 0 6,737 Picshit
28 Mar 2015 22:02

The Dream Of A Broken Radio Receiver 0 5,268 Picshit
13 Feb 2015 21:53

Kings Make Shit (by Cristina Guggeri) 0 6,853 Picshit
1 Feb 2015 23:41

Shit Will Hunting 0 4,862 Picshit
5 Aug 2014 02:30

How Shit Consumption is being planned for European Union countries 0 19,918 Picshit
24 Feb 2014 13:23

the experience hasn't been obtainable 1 14,060 eliasybgh
26 Sep 2013 09:53
26 Sep 2013 16:15
Just wanted to say Hi. 6 45,721 Kassie
5 Nov 2012 08:44
30 Mar 2013 23:51
____ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ____ __ _______ ______ ______ _______ 1 26,197 Werner
21 Mar 2013 07:22
21 Mar 2013 10:17
Definition of the Wave by Drunvalo Melchizedek 6 92,651 Normunds Pics
3 Apr 2012 13:27
22 Feb 2013 18:05
Radiowaves in the Human Body 0 27,830 Picshit
11 Feb 2013 20:15

Undistinguished 2 16,391 Captain Shit
28 Jan 2013 19:23
Captain Shit
1 Feb 2013 18:05
Shit sense 0 14,308 Picshit
28 Dec 2012 17:08

Justnotnormal Netlabel releases Sebo de Tripa track 4 13,305 Picshit
7 Aug 2009 09:30
14 Sep 2012 10:58
Distortedly amazing 5 12,742 ......
26 Oct 2010 13:03
21 Mar 2012 22:19
Error in your files 4 12,859 Curious
17 Mar 2011 14:20
19 Mar 2012 12:40
Following Tsiolkovsky path 2 15,295 Picshit
22 Oct 2010 08:48
7 Mar 2012 11:48
Nonsense definition by A.S.Pushkin 0 10,509 Picshit
28 Feb 2012 12:38

The Human Centipede 0 66,524 Normunds Pics
25 Jan 2012 11:04

Impression on Picshit tracks 4 15,596 Boy Stone
4 Apr 2011 03:50
Lucky Doctor
15 Nov 2011 12:45
Let it be 2 9,164 Picshit
21 Jun 2010 04:53
6 May 2011 01:59
Soundtrack to the Random 4 14,737 Ghost Dog
20 Aug 2010 08:24
16 Mar 2011 15:40
Mr.Prolix reviews Picshit.1 1 17,086 Picshit
6 Mar 2009 09:27
29 Sep 2010 13:48
Welcome to the Picshit Forum, Discussions & Bulletin Board 2 80,376 Picshit
3 Mar 2009 07:15
29 Sep 2010 13:47
Western Spaghetti Alliance criticizes Sc 0 7,686 Picshit
16 Jun 2010 05:09

Vital Weekly reviews Sebo de Tripa 0 17,898 Picshit
16 Jun 2010 04:30

Quanthe Opinion on Picshit 0 10,957 Normunds Pics
11 Mar 2010 13:55

Sebo de Tripa is looking for a net label 0 7,878 Picshit
21 Jan 2010 03:21

INQB8R releases most remarkable Picshit.1 tracks 0 9,562 Picshit
21 Jan 2010 02:33

Gracies for your *hit 0 8,172 Picshit
30 Sep 2009 10:05

Mr.Prolix reviews JNN050 "no-R-mal" compilation 0 16,908 Picshit
7 Sep 2009 09:51



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