Unpleasant seems to become a special vector in Arts.
We never ever supposed, that in 2010, shortly after the Picshit recording was released, yet another director from Netherlands, Tom Six, together with his wife Ilona Six, were releasing their
most shocking art of the first 21st Century decade - the movie called
The Human Centipede.
You can find a trailer online, but most likely, this trailer won't tell you a lot. Also descriptions and reviews of the movie won't tell you anything exact. You must decide on your own, if you watch it, or skip it. If you watch the whole movie, you'll get the idea. In short, the idea of this experiment looks like this:

Yes, the persons are connected from ass-to-mouth, and if the starting going person makes shit, the next chain eats it, and if the previous chain vomits, all before coming are vomiting too. And if two ends die, the middle also dies. I would say it's 100% medically inaccurate and it's impossible. But it's about all humans. It's art. You need to watch it between frames.
This idea came from a joke, but later it has turned out into the reflection on fascism, and actually what you see in this movie, is a strict reflection of
demonism. When we recorded Picshit, it was also about demons. We have had to free our demons, to make ourselves free. We needed lots of mad crazy noise, it seems Tom Six needed lots of blood and sexual perverse on the screen, to get his mountain.
I must say, Tom worked it out perfectly. Of course, our work is just an amateurish one. But the idea was the same - to provide a vile sound, because of the vile things around.
I wouldn't say this is a horror movie. This is a movie for feeling something vile and disgusting inside of you, it's not for scaring and suspense. Despite it's loved by many film festivals, people often were vomiting in the cinema aisles while watching it. It's really loathsome, and I'm starting to feel, the this
vileness may come as another form of art. It gives a human more steel on nerves. What we can achieve with such art, is to bring us more hardcore to feel more beauty in the end.
Don't watch this movie, if you are not prepared for it.

Unfortunately, the continuation of this great brain-killing art was not lucky. "The Human Centipede 2" seems just a very long and a boring movie. Six collected the various acts of blood and sex in a public toilet. The movie was immediately banned in England and Australia because of that. It can't be even compared to the "First Sequence". It's just totally unpleasant to watch.