Bulletin BoardThe Piece of Shit Recording
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Shit sense

#1 | Posted: 28 Dec 2012 17:08 | Edited by: PicshitQuote Quote  
It's an anecdote.

One man comes to a doctor and says: "Hey doc, I'm lost the feeling of taste".

The doctor asks her assistant to bring a test-tube Nr.13 and then lets the patient taste it out. "Hey doc, it is shit!" claims the patient after tasting it.

"It seems your taste is O.K.", the doctor says, and marks the patient as healthy.

Next time, the same man comes to this doctor and says: "Hey doc, I'm lost my memory feeling. I can't remember anything!.."

The doctor asks her assistant to bring a a test-tube Nr.13 and then... the patient exclaims: "Hey doc, but there is shit!"

"It seems your memory is O.K.", the doctor says... and marks the patient as healthy.


Shit helps memory.

Enjoy the Christmas and the World's End in 2013.

And don't think you are sick while you are healthy.


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